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Protests Against NATO Bombing of Chinese Embassy (8 Items) .......... 235 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) CGSA Committee at U of Maryland Expressed Their Views (2) Demonstration at Northwestern University, Chicago (3) U of Chicago Student Proposed Protest When Clinton Visits (4) U of Arizona Students Protested When Albright Was in Campus (5) CASB Sent Letter to President Clinton (6) Anti-Bombing Rally in US Consulate, Toronto (7) Successful Protest in Brisbane, Australia ___ ___ ___ (1) CGSA Committee at U of Maryland Expressed Their Views [CND 05/09/1999] Unable to get immediate permission for a demostration in Washington, DC, students at University of Maryland, College park (UMCP) wrote an official letter to Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily expressing their attitude toward embassy bombing tragedy, according to an announcement of the CGSA Comittee of UMCP. "This attack is hurting Chinese poeple's feeling all around the world. We Chinese poeple value peace, we are trying to seek a positive international environment to develop our mother land who has missed so many chances during past two centuries," CGSA stated. "But we will not allow any act which is provocative and is beneath our country's dignity." THe students went to Metropolitan Police Special Operation Division (MPSOD) and US Park Police(USPP) in DC, trying to get permit for a possible protest right in front of White House. The officers in MPSOD told them that they needed to apply to USPP. But USPP is closed on weekends and it would take USPP at least 72 hours to process the application. ___ ___ ___ (2) Demonstration at Northwestern University, Chicago From: Northwestern CSSA Network, by: HAO Wei, XU Ming More than eighty people from our NU Chinese community joined the Evanston demonstration that lasted two hours this afternoon, catching the sight of thousands of American. It is a moderate, peaceful, by any ways reasonable demonstration. We definitely won support and understanding from some people while expressing our opinions to more. Cars stopped by, people inside asking for flyers. Brad Simpson, a organizer of the NU students "American Friends Service Commitee" come by to show support, and invite us to join their future demonstrations against NATO's War over Kosovo. When we handed out the flyers, I heard hundreds of times "thanks!", I guess they were showing their appreciation for us to give them a chance to hear different voice. Reporters from "Qiao BAO", "Chicago Sun Times", "Chicago Tribue", "Evanston Review", "Daily Northwestern" and probably a TV station interviewed our people. ___ ___ ___ (3) U of Chicago Student Proposed Protest When Clinton Visits From: ton3@midway.uchicago.edu (Tong Xiaoxi) Dear all Chinese students: US president Clinton is going to come to the campus of U. of Chicago on June 12 for commencement. All the major US media are sure to come too. We the UC Chinese students and possibly all Chinese students around Chicago should send a message to Mr. Clinton and all the US media about the US bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade. There is strong indication that US will not give a full hearted apology to the Chinese people (and will stop giving half-measured apologies too), and will not make a serious investigation of the supposed "mistaken bombing" at all. (remember the Italian cable car accident not long ago?) There is no reason to believe Mr. Clinton will do these things by June 12. All concerned Chinese students who have been disgusted by the outright violation of human rights and international law by the NATO and Mr. Clinton, should organize on June 12, when Mr. Clinton comes to the campus, and protest Mr. Clinton's irresponsible war policy, and demand that Mr. Clinton answer to the demands of the Chinese people. I recommend all concerned Chinese students start discussing and organizing for this possible action. I also hope our protest action will be carried out in a rational, and orderly manner, so as to dismiss the media portrayal of Chinese protesters as "violent" and "irrational". We might also want to coordinate with other possible anti-war protests at Clinton's visit. below is a message from a Yugoslav friend at UC. ___ ___ ___ (4) U of Arizona Students Protested When Albright Was in Campus From: Shao Kai 05/15/1999 This protest is special. About 150 self-organized Chinese students and scholars in the University of Arizona gathered on campus to protest the NATO bombing of China Embassy On Saturday (May 15th) afternoon. Meanwhile, Madeleine Albright, the secretary of state of US came to this university to be granted a law degree and deliver a commencement speech. Holding up the national flags of China and protesting posters, this Chinese group walked around the main campus and shouted slogans--"We want justice!", "We want peace!", "Investigation!", and "Punish the responsible". When Albright arrived at the main library, the parading group stopped and shouted at her. This is the first time the US federal leaders hear the Chinese protests directly. Many graduating students and their guests were the audience of this protest, and some anti-war local American groups cooperated with the Chinese protest. After shouting slogans and singing the national anthem of China outside of the McKale Center in which Albright was giving the speech, The demonstration ended successfully. ___ ___ ___ (5) CASB Sent Letter to President Clinton From: Daxi Li, daxili@yahoo.com To protest the barbaric bombing of Chinese Embassy, CASB sent a letter to President Clinton. The letter is attached. Daxi Li, Ph.D. Chairman, CASB President William J. Clinton The White House Washington, D.C. Dear President Clinton: We, the members of Chinese Association for Science and Business (CASB), are writing to you to express our grave concern over the tragic loss of innocent lives in the recent bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, and urge you to take the leadership in launching a full investigation into the cause of the tragedy. CASB is a non-profit organization with the mission of promoting scientific, technological, and business exchanges between US and China. Our membership primarily consists of business leaders, professionals, and educators across the country. While CASB has no political agenda, all of our members feel strongly that a healthy US-China relationship is very beneficial to both people and of fundamental importance to world peace. With raw emotions soaring high in both countries, this tragedy could have profound and prolonged negative impact on the US-China relationship if not handled wisely and quickly. One of the great strengths in this country is that all mistakes and errors must be accountable. We demand that the people responsible for this horrible incident be identified and punished appropriately. We plead you to rise above partisanship, work with the Chinese people in a constructive manner, and act swiftly to bring closure to this wound. Sincerely, Chinese Association for Science and Business ___ ___ ___ (6) Anti-Bombing Rally in US Consulate, Toronto From: Andy Xu 05/12/1999 At 3:00 p.m. on 1999 Mother's Day, Chinese Students as well as people from all walks of life, were gathering in front of the U.S. Consulate General on University Avenue, Toronto. By about 3:30p.m. more than 4000 people bearing the national flags of China as well as flags of various organizations arrived. Then they headed to the Toronto City Hall to participate the Anti-NATO bombing mass rally co-sponsored by the various Chinese communities and Serbian communities. At the gathering, representatives from University of Toronto Chinese Students and Scholars Assoc. and several other Chinese organizations aired their indignations on the stage; wave upon wave of the anti-NATO bombing, anti-U.S. slogans in Chinese, Serbian, and English were resounding in the sky of the Nathan Philip Sqaure of the City Hall. China's National flags were fluttering high in the wind for the first time in front of City Hall. Flags of some social organizations, such Beijingers Association, Jilin University Alumni Association, Henan Folks Association, were also catching the eyes of all the protesters. Pictures of the three Embassy bombing victims were often the centre of attention of protesters and passers-by. At 4:30 p.m. after the rally, Chinese students and people were marching towards the U.S. Consulate again. Along the way, they were shouting slogans in Chinese and English, singing the national anthem, and The Internationale. When they arrived at the Consulate, they had a brief moment of confrontation with the anti-riot police. But on the whole it was a very successful and peaceful demonstration. The angry Chinese protesters did not leave and stop shouting anit-NATO bombing slogans until well after six o'clock. ___ ___ ___ (7) Successful Protest in Brisbane, Australia From: Ruan Ruizhi Today we have very successfully executed a silent protest outside city hall in Brisbane, Australia. We have had extensive national and local media coverage from radio and newspaper. The object of the protest was to mourn the three lives lost and to protest against the (predominantly) US Media and Political Bias. 50 Students and passers by (including one Australian-American who incidentally was accused of being Serbian by a local) participated in a silent sit in with the front rank holding three large photos of the victims and a large black sign at the behind the group with a large "dian(4)" character to mourn the dead with slogans opposing media bias, requesting an UN (not NATO) sponsored resolution and a thorough investigation. All participants wore black arm bands and remained silent and peaceful throughout the 2.5 hour sit in. Regards Peter Yuen Protest Organiser